Session 8: New Kingdom of Egypt- 1493-1339 BC

Bible Verse:
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in that we were still sinners, Christ died for Us. Romans 5:8

We have learned about many different time periods of Egypt and this week we learn about the New Kingdom of Egypt. To help you better understand the timeline of Egypt this first video explains the time line.

The New Kingdom of Egypt explained 



Learn about Queen Nefertiti

Learn about Ancient Egyptian Religion

Click on the link below

Geography time : Pull out your map for this week. Carmen Sandiego is still escaping you each week. History detective up your game. She has left China and traveled through the  mountains to a place  that sits in the Himalayas. It has sometimes been called " the roof of the world". She is hiding in the Polala Palea. What is the name of this area? and highlight on your map where she is? The monks here should not trust her.

Greek Myth Time:

               Learn about the Warrior Princess