Napolean Bonaparte: The Little Corporal !!!!

The Little Corporal was Napoleon Bonaporte. This is a picture of him. He was called this because he was only a few inches over 5ft. This is a picture of him. He was raised on a remote island of France called Corsica. He never learned to laugh and play like other kids. He was mocked by the other boys at his school because he spoke French with a funny accent. His favorite subject was science. He used this a lot later in his life. In the movie you saw lots of paintings of him. The artist would always try to make him look tall.
There is a story that when Napoleon was in Military school he led all the boys in a huge snowfight. Napoleon was known throughout his whole life as liking weapons and telling other people what to do!

This is a picture of kids having a snowfight !
Napoleon became a general in the French Army at a young age. He was only 24. Napoleon was always bragging on himself. He even wrote a letter to his leaders and told them " I promised to be a brillant success. " He was known for being very arrogant. This means that he thought he was so important. He also said that he loved Power as much as a musician loves his violin!He loved to ride horses. In the movie you saw lots of paintings of him on a horse.

Napoleon loved power so much that to keep his power he crowned himself Emperor. Instead of having the pope put the crown on him he put it on himself! This is a picture of him crowning himself. Did you see the painting of him with the gold crown on his head. That was the crown he put on himself !
Napoleon was from France and spoke French. Here are some french words to get you started on speaking french:
Hello: Bonjour
Goodbye: Aurevoir
Orgueil- arrogant.
je suis orgueiller: I am arrogant
power: puissance
I love power: J'aime la puissance
To learn more French go to the right on click on Learn french
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