Session 6: Ancient India and China 2690-2000 BC
Bible Verse:
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in that we were still sinners, Christ died for Us. Romans 5:8
Learn about the earliest Indian civilization
Learn about the art that was part if the Indus culture
Learn about the first Chinese Emperor
The Story of about the man who became Budda- Indian Religion
Learn about the three different religions in China
History of Origami
Bring a Origami dog to class - will have a dog contest- best made, most unique, most beautiful
Geography Time: Can you find Carmen this week? She caught a plane and you have intel that puts her in the current Capital of China? Be able to find on a modern day map and tell us the came of the Capital
Greek Myth story time
Dear Students- To help your mom's and you better understand the Key Word Outline and how to write one and rewrite your sentences. I want you to watch these next three videos with your mom. You can also explain to your mom some of the things we talked about in class. Your homework in addition to blog homework this week is to come back with your first two sentences from your Key word outline ( Ziggurat Paragraph) written to share in class. Use your Key word outline to rewrite your first two sentences. Underline the key word and to each sentence I want you to add 1 strong verb and 1 Ly word.
This Video explains a Key Word outline to your Mom. You did this already with your
Ziggurat paragraph
This is how you tell back your paragraph from your outline. You and your mom can watch this video and then I want you to pull out your keyword outline and from your keyword outline tell your mom the Ziggurat paragraph.
This video helps your mom understand what an LY word is and a strong verb is and that they help to dress up your sentences. After you watch this video - work with your mom to write your first two sentences from your Key word outline ( Ziggurats) to share with the class. REMEMBER to UNDERLINE your KEY WORDS, and LY word and STRONG VERB