
Session 23- Ancient Rome Part 5- Nero, Christians persecuted , Catacombs, , Rome divides to East and West

Session 21- Part 3 -The Caesar's , Pax Romana and Emperors

Session 22- Ancient Rome Part 4 - Jesus Birth and life, and how Christianity was able to spread

Session 20: Rome Part 2- Punic Wars and Julius Caesar

Session 19 : Part 1Ancient Rome

The Great Wonders of the World Research links

Session 16- Ancient Indians- Aztec, Incas and Maya's

Session 15- 2/1/2019- Greeks at War , Alexander, Archimedes, Architecture and more.....

Session 14: Due 1/18/2019- Athens, Sparta, ancient Greeks stories and scholars and Old Testament Prophets

Session 17- Ancient India

Session 12: Odyssey/ Olympics 800-700 BC

Session 11 Minoans/ Greek "Dark Ages"- 1200- 700 BC

Session 10: Assyria/ Nineveh/ Nebuchadnezzar- 1300-561 BC

Session 9: Moses/ Phoenicians 1525-700 BC

Session 8: New Kingdom of Egypt- 1493-1339 BC

Session 7: Ancient Africa and Middle Kingdom Egypt( reunited ) 2040-1720 BC

Session 6: Ancient India and China 2690-2000 BC

Session 5: Babylonians/Assyrians 1780-1750 BC

Session 4: Sumer 2335-1885 BC

Session 3 : 3200-2500 BC Ancient Egypt - Old Kingdom/ Mummies